sb 1383
We Help with SB 1383 Compliance
Valinor Energy has partnered with energy producers around the state to help you achieve SB1383 compliance this year, contributing to a 75% reduction of organic waste in state landfills by 2025
SB 1383
California’s SB 1383 requires all cities and counties to reduce organic waste in their landfills and to repurpose this waste in renewable means. Cities have been hard-pressed to meet this law’s requirements with compost, mulch, and renewable natural gas alone. That’s where Valinor comes in. We work in tandem with cities and power plants to repurpose the organic waste into biomass electricity to solve both problems with one simple solution.
Take part in the process to change how we make power
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SB 1383
We strive for excellence through innovation
Valinor is dedicated toward helping you to reach new heights. Whether it be in project management, operations, or consulting, we strive for excellence through innovation. Much of this is geared toward assisting cities and counties in California with compliance under SB-1383’s requirements.
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